You Can Now Schedule Your Instagram Posts #Hallelujah

The struggle was real with Instagram posting as a social media manager but the struggle is finally OVER - we guess that is what happens during a super blue blood moon. See below on details you should know about the new Instagram API with the help of TechCrunch:

-Yes, you can schedule your Instagram posts now but not directly from Instagram. It must be through one of Facebook's Marketing Partners or Instagram Partners.

-The account you are scheduling an IG post for must be an Instagram Business Account. To find out how to switch from a personal to business account, click here. Word has it that this helps increase visibility on people’s IG feed as well. 

-The new API does not extend to ads - just posts.

-This is just the start but we believe some other updates on this may roll out sooner than we think. 

The days may be long over where we had to pause to live Instagram post but we always recommend double checking when the post goes live to make sure everything is all good... and to community manage of course!

Happy Posting,

Social Sarahmony Team